That said, you may wonder what on earth does one eat gluten free on holidays. Last year I posted some tips and reminders here: I'm Not Going Cold Turkey
For those of you recently joining the g-free club, don’t fret about these upcoming soirees. My best advice is to be prepared. Call your host and see what the menu will consist of and make a list of things that you know you can glutinously consume sans gluten. Turkey no stuffing. Pile on that cranberry sauce but check into the gravy before pouring because flour may have been used to thicken. When in doubt, cart along your own gravy or sides! No shame in wanting delicious sauce over your gobbler just like the others. Hey, I carry my own soy sauce in my purse to Asian restaurants with no shame! And what better reason to offer to bring something?
I myself have decided to tackle a gluten free pie this Thursday. After much thought, I decided to try out a ready made gluten free pie crust since I will be prepping both tables and other dishes this year. I found one at whole foods that looked delicious, and with a little homemade love in the center I think we could have an easy recipe headed your way! I will keep you posted on the turn out.
In the meantime, Rudi's sent me a delicious Hazelnut Sage Stuffing recipe to share!
Hazelnut Sage Stuffing
Rudi’s Gluten-free stuffing by Chef Dan of Renegade Kitchen!
• 1 loaf Rudi’s Gluten-Free Multigrain Bread
• ¼ cup olive oil
• 1 whole yellow onion, chopped
• 1 bulb fennel, chopped
• 2 garlic cloves, minced
• 4 tablespoons sage, minced
• 1 pound Cremini mushrooms, chopped
• salt and pepper
• 1 ½ cup veggie stock
• 2 eggs
• ½ cup chopped hazelnuts
1. Preheat your oven to 250 degrees.
2. Cut the loaf of bread into rough cubes, anywhere from 1/2 inch to 3/4¾inch pieces. Spread the bread cubes over a cookie sheet and toast them in the oven for 10-15 minutes, or until they’re light brown and slightly crisp on the outside.
3. Set the bread aside and turn the oven temperature up to 350 degrees.
4. Heat the oil in a sauté pan over medium heat and cook the onion, fennel, and garlic until they’re slightly translucent, about 5-7 minutes.
5. Add the sage and mushrooms and cook everything down for 10 minutes, or until the veggies are 50% of their original volume. Season everything with salt and pepper as you go.
Makes one 9 x 13 dish.
Prep Time: 40-50 minutes
Baking Time: 15-20 minutes
Happy Thanksgiving dear readers!! I am so thankful for YOU!!