
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Cuckoo for Coconuts

Reggae fest was recently in town so of course you know what WE did… throw a Jamaican pre-party mon! You know I will find any excuse to throw a theme party and entertain.

The smells of jerk wafted into my house into the wee hours as we visited over red stripes and rum punch. Sticky plantains and syrupy pineapple bits clung to our fingers but apparently didn’t sate the all of our sweet toothed guests. Enter the coconut peanut butter cookie.

Between the fruit bowl and punch I knew that it was quite possible I would be creating an angry sugar crashed mob but that didn’t stop me. As scorching as it was, I still wanted to bake. I was a stubborn little Indie in a dread wig rolling giant clumps of peanut butter and coconut in her kitchen. I promise you this idea came prior to the rum punch drinking.

This cookie was perfect for the occasion and simple to make. I had some guests say they didn’t like coconut and were surprised to find that maybe there was an exception to their preconceived opinion. I can't say I wasn't happy to have a few left over to treat myself the next day though! You know how it is when you entertain, you forget to serve yourself sometimes.

Coconut & PB Cookies
These little gems don’t require any funky flour mix! They are simply gluten free and definitely finger lickin’. The coconut lightly toasts on top and gives a crunchy texture to the very smooth melt in your mouth cookie. I doubled the recipe below since I was feeding an army of rambunctious reggae guests but the original makes plenty for the family!

• 1 cup creamy, natural peanut butter
• ¾ cup sugar
• 1 tsp baking soda
• 1 large egg
• Dash of organic vanilla
• Pinch of salt
• ½ cup shredded coconut, plus more for sprinkling


Preheat your oven to 350°F.
In a mixer beat your egg, sugar, baking soda and vanilla. Add your peanut butter and mix until combined.

Remove from the mixer and fold in coconut. Lightly wet your hands and form golf size dough balls. Place on a non stick cookie sheet and lightly flatten. Sprinkle coconut on top for a nice crunch.

Bake for 15-17 minutes depending on how gooey you like your cookies. I pulled mine right before 17 and let cool for 10 minutes.

Did they taste delicious? YA MON!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Morning Margherita

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

When your godmother gives you cherry tomatoes, make a margherita.

A little miracle happened this weekend. My son slept in until 8:30 Saturday morning! A promising start to the weekend you would think right? Well, my husband decided coffee at the crack of dawn was more important. So much for sleeping in. Groggily I putted to the patio, and openly welcomed the summer air. After all, the fortunate consequence of awaking early is the brief but delightfully cool  hours before the sun begins to beat down unbearably. Four cups of coffee and rocking later, I was buzzed, bright eyed and bushy tailed. Oh, and starving of course.

I headed right for the little brown bag of cherry tomatoes that my godmother gifted me the day before. As a child I would pick her vines dry, popping every little red balloon into my mouth in a frenzy. I had to restrain myself from eating the entire bag and instead pursued the recipe I thought of while taking inventory of the cupboards and fridge. Mozzarella, fresh farmer’s market basil, cherry tomatoes, and eggs… Oh yes, I would toast the weekend with a morning margherita.

Margherita Scramble
Fresh and simple ingredients made this a healthy and filling breakfast. This one will definitely be repeated! Recipe makes two large servings.

• 4 free range eggs
• ½ cup fresh basil, julienned
• 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
• ¼ -1/2 cup fresh mozzarella, pulled apart into thin pieces
• Pepper and salt to taste

Cut and prepare all ingredients. Add eggs into a medium sauce pan and cook on medium/high heat. When the outsides look solid, add basil, mozzarella, and tomatoes. Fold and scramble until cheese is melted. Salt and pepper to taste and serve!

And wouldn't you know, all that margherita caused me to get Naked after! ;)

Have you tried coconut water yet? I am officially obsessed and highly suggest you do!