
Saturday, May 22, 2010

"Mares eat oats and does eat oats..."

Oats are troublesome for many celiacs. So, you can imagine that I was pretty apprehensive to see how well I could roll with the gluten free rolled oats I bought yesterday. Some adventures in celiac land are a bit more discomforting than invigorating. I still have yet to dive into a heaping pile of scrambled eggs in the morning, and I have been putting off the question of oats now for a month. I have read many pieces of literature on the subject and they all seem to contradict one another. What I have learned is that everything is trial and error, much like life. How are we supposed to know what works for us if we don’t try it once?
At the risk of crumpling into the fetal position for an hour, I decided to roll with it (the gluten free rolled oats I mean). I was picking up my six year old from school and taking him to the park so an after school snack was a perfect way to mix in the possible antagonist. My first inclination to incorporate oats was into a granola bar of course.

“Look mommy!! Another brontosaurus footprint in the rock! Hurry, and come look!” cried Mitch, my ambitious and creative six year old. We were hunting for dinosaur fossils and footprints in Woodward Park. Granola bars in hand we decided to settle down on a ‘volcanic rock’ and discuss our findings. We talked about how some dinosaurs were herbivores and only ate plants. We fantasized about the T-Rex in all his glory and how he was a carnivore who only ate meat. Then we discussed how we are omnivores because we eat both. This slowly sunk in and I could see him connecting the dots of this new information. “These granola bars don’t have meat in them right?” Mitch inquired. “So, the brontosaurus would eat them!”

Thus the name of my granola bar was born…”BRONTOSAURUS BARS”. Don’t be fooled by the child named concoction however, because these granola bars have an adult stamp of approval as well. My husband called them addictive and I must agree. Great for on the go snacking at any time, and to sate a sweet tooth after a meal. I am sure you will be roaring with delight!

Brontosaurus Bars

•1 egg white
•½ cup organic crunchy peanut butter
•1/3 cup organic brown sugar
•¼ cup organic honey
•¼ cup agave nectar
•2 cups gluten free rolled oats (you can substitute regular if you wanted but I tasted no difference)
•¼ cup slivered almonds
•1/3 cup gluten free semi sweet chocolate chips
•¼ cup dried cranberries
•Pinch of salt

Heat oven to 350 degrees.
Beat egg with a mixer until frothy.

Stir in the peanut butter, sugar, honey, and agave nectar. Mix until just combined.
Add the oats and almonds (and pray for no reaction…optional)
Fold in the chocolate chips.

Spray a baking dish liberally with vegetable spray, and place a piece of parchment paper inside allowing some to fall over the edge. Lightly spray the parchment paper. This will help you easily lift out the granola from the pan in one piece. Pour granola mixture into the dish and spread evenly with your spatula. Top with dried cranberries.

Bake in the oven for 15 minutes or until browned. Remove from oven and let rest for one hour at least. Lift the parchment paper and flip onto a baking sheet. Cut bars into desired pieces. Let out big, booming ROAR! (I have a six year old, don’t judge)

My reaction? Just pure bliss. I am a celiac that can roll with the best of them. I suppose it just takes time and when you are ready, like any life challenge that proposes itself, you will be ready. I will leave you with a quote that this experience reminded me of,

“Wild oats will get sown some time, and one of the arts of life is to sow them at the right time.”
Richard Le Gallienne

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