
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wanna Samana?

Samana : Responsible for the digestion of food and cell metabolism (ie. the repair and manufacture of new cells and growth). Samana also includes the heat regulating processes of the body. Auras are projections of this current.

I have been visiting Tracy at her Brookside Restaurant, Café Samana, for months now. In fact, if given the option, I would probably visit her restaurant almost everyday. There is something very special about Tracy, her restaurant and her food. Her cuisine and the atmosphere, like her, is warm, comforting, and inviting. I often think of her as a little food fairy sprinkling magic into the sumptuous meals on her daily menu, which changes with the season. Organic, gluten free, local, healthy, vegan, vegetarian…whatever label you want to stick on it, Samana’s food romances your taste buds and soothes your soul. The restaurant is nestled in a quaint space on brookside, but you feel as though you are dining in a European cafe. Eclectic second hand pottery presents the daily meals on the tables adorned with floral and paisley cloths. Local artists are displayed on the walls, and the natural light from the big front windows and door pools in creating an ethereal, homegrown feel. If that's not reason enough to visit, I'll add that the staff is the most helpful in town. I tend to be specific and picky in my orders sometimes and they are always willing to accomodate me. To the Samana staff, I thank you for your amazing service and patience!

I perpetually devour a restuarant's menu. Meaning I have to read every darn thing on the menu which ironically causes me to most often end up ordering the same thing. It doesn’t matter if it’s my first time or millionth; I graze and dissect until my order optimizes exactly what I am desiring.

Sounds exhausting huh?

So imagine what happens when I have a menu in front of me that entices all my senses to order one of each because NOTHING is restricting my decisions. A menu that caters to the gluten free. A menu that is packed full of fresh seasonal vegetables dolled up in spices. OOO man, shall we have lunch together at Samana and I can show you? It would quite the scene I assure you.

Anyhoo, of the MANY visits I can share with you, I suppose there is no visit like the present! My sister and I dined at Samana for lunch today and of course Tracy and her staff did not disappoint me. Tracy immediately informed me that the special of the day could be made gluten free. Ah, no menu perusing for me as my decision was made. Okay, I admit, I still looked it over. But I did order the special! Surprisingly, I do change up my order there and believe me you can NOT go wrong. I could go on describing the meal but they say a picture is worth a thousand words and well, I have a few!
Acorn Squash & Apple Soup

Black Bean Burger with Tomato, Greens, & Garlic Mayo. On a gluten free bagel of course!

Someone asked me the other day about where I eat in town when we go out. I said that I can find something to order off a menu most anywhere which of course I probably can. Who knows if I would truly enjoy it but I could cope. But, if I HAD to choose only ONE local eatery to dive into for lunch only ONE place immediately hits the brain…Café Samana.

Address 3807-F S. Peoria Ave.
Tulsa, OK, Brookside
Phone (918) 742-3559
Mon - Thurs: 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Fri: 11:00 am - 9:00 pm
Sat: 11:00 am - 3:00 pm

1 comment:

  1. Cafe Samana is so good! They make a mean Grilled Cheese sandwich! I think everyone should go check it out. Im glad my sister took me there. I will defiantly be going back!
