
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Indie's Insalata

I only got pictures before the dressing and seasoning as I prepped early!
Summer has unofficially ended my dear readers and to be quite honest, I am thrilled! I do love the summer days and nights, lounging by the pool with a margarita in hand but nothing is better in my book than cool breezes, the drifting smells of a chiminea, the constant background noise of football, and a glass of pinot noir on a patio. AH, I feel my skin and bones relaxing from the past three months of scorching heat just writing that.

Labor Day weekend is always jam packed and bursting to the brim with family fun affairs. We fit in as much as possible which usually leaves me pretty run down by the end. Hence the short post and sheer lack of writing creativity in today which I do apologize.

A bit of recap event that I must share because it involved the food highlight of my weekend was Saturday night’s family rendezvous over pizza and football. My alma mater TU played OU and we had my husband’s side of the family over to my in-laws to take in the game. The menu? Pizza, a fare that used to make me faint because I may be limited to my options. But no fear my dear, since Tulsa now has a few pizzerias offering kind pizza to gluten free tummies, I was able to stuff myself not just with new family on-goings but also a delicious homemade Italian style salad and a few slices of pie. Pizza pie that is of course! We ordered out from Hideaway pizza who most recently adopted gluten free pizza options on their menu! I won’t have to shy away from Hideaway anymore! Honestly now, who can resist their enormous choices of toppings and combinations?!

My mother in law asked me to make a salad for the meal and I decided it was only fitting to make it Italian. Pizza…Italian salad…see the dotted line connection….It was scrumptious and received many compliments from the fam! I didn’t mind shoving pizza into my mouth eating an extra piece of pizza since I had my fill of greens on the side.

Alas, my college team didn’t win. However, this salad is most certainly a winner and will be repeated! Add any protein and you could easily make a meal out it. The following recipe was made to satisfy a crowd so it is quite large, but you could always half it if you aren’t entertaining a country like I was on Saturday!

Indie’s Insalata

• 2 heads romaine, cleaned and chopped
• 1 can artichokes, drained and rinsed
• 1 can sliced pepperoncinis, drained and rinsed
• 1 package of fresh cherry tomatoes
• 4 tbs Italian seasoning
• ½ cup sliced black olives (optional)
• Italian dressing, store bought or use the homemade one below!

Toss first 5 ingredients together in a large salad bowl. Add dressing right before serving.

Italian Dressing
adpated slightly from All Recipes

• ¼ cup fresh basil leaves
• 1-1/2 teaspoons garlic salt
• 1-1/2 teaspoons onion powder
• 1-2 tablespoon dried oregano
• 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
• 1 teaspoon dried thyme
• 1teaspoons dried parsley
• 1 tablespoon salt
• 2 cloves fresh garlic

Place all ingredients into a blender, vitamix, or food processor and blend until smooth!

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