
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Crockpot-O-dile Rock

I have been constantly crock-potting the last month. Yes, “crock-potting”, it’s my new verb for continuous crock pot usage. I suppose I could substitute “slow cooking” but that just doesn’t sound a cool right? So, I blame my lack of writing to my constant crock-potting. The darn thing is addictive and causing me to only want to commit my loyalties to its remarkable power. I feel like I can plop my pantry contents into it and creates a masterpiece in 5 hours. And who can resist getting home from work and having a delicious meal already waiting for you? It’s my own little 50’s housewife. I step out of my car after a long day, the chilly air numbing my bones and am delighted with wafts of sumptuous smells emerging from under the door.

I felt if I filled the last 3 weeks of posts with just crock pot recipes you would call out my laziness and not my actual ingenious obsession. I may quite possibly still be in the denial stages of addiction so just go with my self flattery.

Taking this into consideration, and saving my dignity for now, I decided to theme it crockpot week and post my favorite meat and meat-less recipe so far. Yes, I realize it is Wednesday my day-conscious readers so I will run it through the middle of next week, posting at least 4 days of recipes. Days of yummy, thumb licking, I’ll never stress and cool at 6:00 at night if I can help it recipes.

Oh and get this…my picky little 7 year old…clearing his plate every night. Bless you crock potting, bless you. This post will be for my meat eaters out there. Enjoy!

Drip Beef Sandwiches
This recipe was passed down to my husband from our good friends the Darby's years ago and spurred his desires for it last Sunday when the weather just begged for a warm beef stew. I altered it with the amounts of seasoning. Note: this makes a TON!! We used the leftovers for three days, feeding my parents, the three of us, and still having leftover. I suggest making quesadillas with them one night!


5 pounds boneless chuck, trimmed slightly and cut into pieces
1 tbs kosher salt
1 tbs fresh ground pepper
2 tsp or cube of bullion
2 tbs rosemary
1 tbs basil
2 tbs garlic salt
4 tsp red wine vinegar
1 tbs Worchester sauce

You know that I always error on the high side of all ingredients so be liberal if you would like! It's a crock pot not a surgical procedure.

Place the chuck in the crock pot and add water until it covers the top. Top with all seasonings. Cook for 6 hours on high or until meat starts to shred. I served on gluten free baguettes. I recommend dipping the bread into the juice then stuffing the meat into it! My husband topped his with provolone but I think it stands good alone!

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