
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Lucky's Restaurant on Cherry Street

Luck has nothing to do with the impeccably crafted menu at Lucky’s on Cherry. Tucked into a small section of a ‘mini strip’ if you will, they hide behind a simple exterior and surprise you immensely upon entering. Sunshine radiates during the lunch hour and warm candlelight bathes the dinner crowd. Rich hues and tasteful touches add a creative and decadent ambience. Try the food and you melt into the complex symphony of fresh, crisp, delicacy. And I must add of course that their gluten conscious menu is no exception.

We took our g-free neighbors to STOMP the other night (quite entertaining) and let them choose the place for dinner. After listing six or so to her she decided on Lucky’s, a spot she had yet to try in town. Upon mentioning they had a gluten free menu it made this cherry street gem sparkle even more.

We sat down and immediately informed our waitress that the three of us would be dining gluten free that evening. Menus were dispersed, drinks ordered, and our tummies began to grumble just in time for the rich complimentary hummus to arrive. Usually served with pita, the dish was accompanied instead with a plate stacked highly with crisp crudités. There is something so charming about vegetables that look like they were just plucked from the garden and served straight to you. Note the cute little carrot tails.

the pictures are dark due to lighting sorry folks!

 I chose the Trimabach Riesling Chicken ($22.00). I am one of the "exceptions" to the food world that doesn’t cower when wanting to order the chicken. My husband insists that “chicken is chicken” and is mostly dry when ordered at a restaurant. Maybe I have more faith in our local chefs, and after trying this dish I more than delighted to say that it didn’t disappoint. It was served in an earthy lemongrass broth on top of jasmine rice, green beans, and enoki mushrooms. The chicken was bursting with moist and tender flavor, the accompaniments pairing perfectly in texture and flavor. Take that chicken doubters.
My neighbor Myrsini opted for the same dish while her husband delighted in his choice of the salmon.

Everyone’s (well the g-free diners that is) overall consensus? A must try for an upscale night out, stylish lunch hour, or spectacular brunch. They also offer a wonderful vegetarian menu! This place caters to all palettes.

Lucky's Restaurant
Monday - Thursday 11am to 10pm
Friday from 11am to 11pm
Saturday 5pm to 11pm
Sunday from 11am to 3pm

They are located at:
1536 East 15th Street Tulsa, OK 74120
(918) 592-5825

Visit their website for additional information

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