
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

ChrisMASH time was here...

Good morning dear readers. Are you in a puffy detox from the holiday festivities like I am? That sounds too sugar coated and believe me I am ready to rid the sugar from my diet. How about a more truthful statement of current status: “I am in holiday party aftermath from the constant eating, drinking, family overload.” Truth hurts, I know. You can just consult my waistline and bags under my eyes.

Sorry darlings, that may have been too harsh of reality to bring to you first thing but I imagine you are in a quazi similar boat. If not, I am in envy of you.

Hopping back to the family frenzied days and nights, I was of course asked to bring something to our potluck Christmas dinner. I chose mashed potatoes. No not the box kind that comes in a horrifying dried flake form. I boil my own thank you very much, and add a little extra somethin’ somethin’. No shocker to you all I am sure. It was a great compliment when my cousin Meredith turned to me at the dinner and asked what I did to spruce the taters up. At least I hope it was a compliment. They seemed to be a hit though because there wasn’t a dollop left!

Before I bounce to the recipe I have a confession friends... I used to be buddy-buddy with those boxed flakes. We all had to start somewhere right? I thought attempting the “homemade way” would be too much work. I also served those processed puppies with “Minute Steaks” that I thought only needed to be cooked for one minute. When I saw that they still didn’t look down I went ahead and threw in one more minute on each side just to be safe. No, I have never lived that one down.

So, I think I have come along way. This recipe is simple and not at all scary. I wanted to make 'southern' mashed potatoes but after looking at the heart clogging recipes I decided to dumb the butter down and dish up a delicious digression. It is still rich and heavy but hey it’s the holidays! Add gravy if you like, but this dish can stand on its own two feet!

Home-style Mashed Potatoes

• 8 yukon gold potatoes, peeled and quartered
• 3 cloves garlic, minced
• ¼ cup low fat cream cheese
• 3 tbs butter
• 3 tbs half and half
• Kosher Salt
• Pepper
• Chicken Broth (optional)

Place potatoes in a stock pot and cover with water (I added half broth half water more flavor). Boil for 20-25 minutes, then drain.

Add all remaining ingredients back to the stock pot. Top with warm potatoes. Mash until desired consistency. I like mine to have a slightly thick texture.
Salt and Pepper to taste. YUM!

Oh, and you can always work off the calories by enjoying a long bike ride with Santa’s gift…

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

You don’t eat no MEAT?

Well, I didn’t for a while. Now, every here and there. Going straight vegetarian helped me sort out things digestively and while I still mainly want veggies for the main course, I will eat meat here and there. I preface that when I do, it is free range and organic. Being vegetarian and reading all the horrific stories, anything but doesn’t exactly appeal to me anymore.

But, this blog isn’t about my opinions on that and you know very well by now that I am all about good food!

That said, let me tell you about my latest infatuation with my slow cooker. The name of that little gem almost says it all! Slow cooking. Slow simmering. Slowly soaking up savory and sumptuous flavors and letting off a slow steam of juicy fragrance. My life is pretty “go, go, go” so anything that involves the word slow without actually slowing me down makes my ears perk.

From harvest soups to porkchops (recipe to come) my slow cooker has been working overtime. Don’t feel sorry for it though my dear readers, it has been thanking me for finally filling it to the brim and giving it a work out. My husband and son have been praising me too. Sorry slow cooker, I’m taking some of your credit.

The last couple weeks have had me bopping about to Christmas lunches galore and frankly I have been missing my precious hour at home! To relax of course, and to prepare a home cooked meal. Yesterday I had those miraculous moments of freedom and decided I had to take advantage and use the ol’ cooker. First thing that popped in my head? Greek Chicken and Potatoes. From where? No clue. But it sure made one heck of a spontaneous decision into a delicious, inexpensive, and healthy home cooked meal.

You know I am a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants and ignore deviate from a recipe kind of gal so it’s no surprise that I winged it right? Oh being so reckless never tasted so good. This recipe could feed four quite heartily. I am happy it was just the two of us last night so now I have leftovers. Yiayia watch out, this may give you a run for your euro.

Slow Cooker Greek Chicken and Potatoes


• 1 package free range chicken quarters
• Free range chicken broth (I used Pacific, half carton)
• 4 potatoes, peeled and quartered
• 4 lemons
• Oregano (a LOT)
• Salt
• Pepper
• Good Olive Oil (I am Greek, I have to specific the “good” part)
• 3 cloves fresh garlic, minced


Peel and quarter your potatoes and place them in the bottom of your slow cooker. Pour chicken broth over them until it almost covers the tops. Add the juice of one lemon and coat with a heavy layer of pepper and oregano, then lightly sprinkle a teaspoon or two of kosher salt.

Place chicken quarters in a small bowl and add about 3 tablespoons olive oil and the juice of 2 lemons. Rub with oregano, pepper, and a little salt on the skin (or remove skin if you like and massage right into the chicken). Add the chicken on top of the potatoes.

Slice your last lemon thinly and top chicken quarters. Add garlic to top it off. Cook on high for 4-6 hours. I let mine cook on high for 5, low for one.

Try not to eat the entire pot in a sitting I dare you! In fact I have to apologize because we gobbled so quickly that I forgot to take a pretty picture of the final product. Trust me, you'll understand once you make it. And Yiayia, I am coming for you….

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Christmas Carols & Candy Cane Crumbles

Ah the holidays are upon us. I have Christmas music blaring from all speakers of my house, car, and office and am burning down my multiple pine scented candles to the bare bottom. My kettle is brimming with Christmas teas and my fridge busting with Christmas brew. But amidst the poinsettia laden playground in my house, is a more prominent tradition…making sweet, after sweet, after sweet. Christmas cookies, candies, and cakes are swarming my recipe box. This is the way I like to spread my Christmas cheer!

As I believe I mentioned before, fate brought a couple of gluten free, Greek neighbors when we moved. Crazy right? Myrsini has been helping me brush up on my Greek and I am helping her map through America’s maze of gluten free recipes, blogs, and books. We planned to meet last weekend to go Christmas shopping for her house and decorate with all the bulbs and baubles of the holiday. A couple stops and bursting shopping bags later we arrived back at her house armed with holiday gear. Since it was a Friday afternoon, we were setting up Christmas décor, and my 7 year old was feigning for weekend sugar, we knew we had to make some sort of treat. Bonus of a gluten free Greek neighbor? A ready made gluten free brownie mix to play with together.

While I trimmed the tree, my neighbor Myrsini and my son Mitch got to working on the brownies. It would be my first foray with Pamela’s gluten free brownie mix and I was eager to taste test! They decided that they were going to make mini brownie cupcakes, a concoction that was formed in Mitch’s brain and concurred with Myrsini’s direction in the kitchen. The highlight was the two trying to figure out why the dough looked dry…they skipped the oil and water part of the directions. No worries, the blonde saved the day!

Topping the Tree with our neighbor!

After much hand mixing, throwing of dough, dotting each other’s noses, and much taste testing, we patted the mix into Winnie the pooh baking cups, and let them rest peacefully in the oven.

I have never put brownie mix into baking cups but i have to admit it was one of the best/least messy gluten free baking experiences I have ever had. Well, at least the time in the oven…I suppose I cannot discount the before and after bouts of hilarity.

Case in point, Pamela’s brownie mix was deliciously delivered in muffin cups. Some mixes can get gritty but I have always had success with Pamela's mixes. The brownies were crammed with sweet chocolate taste, and had the perfect dense and moist texture. Baking them in individual cups made them easy to serve and kept me from devouring half the pan (it's bad to do that right? right?) It didn't stop me from licking the bowl though. And spoon. And dough off my nose. Sshh don't tell Santa.

I think I will be recreating them this weekend with maybe chocolate icing and candy cane crumbles…Who’s with me!?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Gobbling Gluten Free

Gobble Gobble!

Can you believe that Thanksgiving is just a couple days away? It is even more shocking to me since my husband and I will be hosting for the first time this year. What would possess me to take on the challenge of my large and everyone-in-charge holiday extravaganza? Well, currently it looks as though we decided to put in a dance floor in our new house since our dining room and living room furniture have not yet arrived. In other words, we have a boat load of space to entertain! I will be busting out the collapsible tables, autumn linens and stuffed turkey décor and boasting a mish mashed spread of Greek/American cuisine.

That said, you may wonder what on earth does one eat gluten free on holidays. Last year I posted some tips and reminders here: I'm Not Going Cold Turkey

For those of you recently joining the g-free club, don’t fret about these upcoming soirees. My best advice is to be prepared. Call your host and see what the menu will consist of and make a list of things that you know you can glutinously consume sans gluten. Turkey no stuffing. Pile on that cranberry sauce but check into the gravy before pouring because flour may have been used to thicken. When in doubt, cart along your own gravy or sides! No shame in wanting delicious sauce over your gobbler just like the others. Hey, I carry my own soy sauce in my purse to Asian restaurants with no shame! And what better reason to offer to bring something?

I myself have decided to tackle a gluten free pie this Thursday. After much thought, I decided to try out a ready made gluten free pie crust since I will be prepping both tables and other dishes this year. I found one at whole foods that looked delicious, and with a little homemade love in the center I think we could have an easy recipe headed your way! I will keep you posted on the turn out.

In the meantime, Rudi's sent me a delicious Hazelnut Sage Stuffing recipe to share!

Hazelnut Sage Stuffing

Rudi’s Gluten-free stuffing by Chef Dan of Renegade Kitchen!


• 1 loaf Rudi’s Gluten-Free Multigrain Bread
• ¼ cup olive oil
• 1 whole yellow onion, chopped
• 1 bulb fennel, chopped
• 2 garlic cloves, minced
• 4 tablespoons sage, minced
• 1 pound Cremini mushrooms, chopped
• salt and pepper
• 1 ½ cup veggie stock
• 2 eggs
• ½ cup chopped hazelnuts


1. Preheat your oven to 250 degrees.

2. Cut the loaf of bread into rough cubes, anywhere from 1/2 inch to 3/4¾inch pieces. Spread the bread cubes over a cookie sheet and toast them in the oven for 10-15 minutes, or until they’re light brown and slightly crisp on the outside.

3. Set the bread aside and turn the oven temperature up to 350 degrees.

4. Heat the oil in a sauté pan over medium heat and cook the onion, fennel, and garlic until they’re slightly translucent, about 5-7 minutes.

5. Add the sage and mushrooms and cook everything down for 10 minutes, or until the veggies are 50% of their original volume. Season everything with salt and pepper as you go.

Makes one 9 x 13 dish.
Prep Time: 40-50 minutes
Baking Time: 15-20 minutes

Happy Thanksgiving dear readers!! I am so thankful for YOU!!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Prones & Cake

I will not call myself careless or irresponsible. I prefer saying I am prone to my flaws like it isn’t something I can necessarily help. I am currently prone to accidents (those walls move and that carpet jumps up when I walk), losing things (I KNOW I set it right there), OCD tendencies (those spots on the counter multiply against me), and well I am sure some other things. However, when one of my “prones” turns into a devastating situation that I somehow miraculously recover from or learn a lesson, I make sure it doesn’t reoccur. Those “prones” are funny like that huh?

Where am I going with this? My losing things prone (I am kind of making a new noun here but I think it works for this piece. Feel free to borrow) got me in a huge mess today. I thought I lost my engagement ring. I don’t think I have ever been so distraught. I couldn’t fathom how something so priceless, so irreplaceable was gone.

After turning everything in my world upside down over a something that turned my life right side up, it was found. It’s a crazy story, but hey, I know you’ve come to this blog for the food. Which I don’t blame you ‘cause I kind of enjoy it myself. So I’ll get to the goods.

When Greeks lose something we pray to St. Fanourios to help us find it. I am not kidding you, it works. As thanks we bake a cake. I know it’s a shocker that us Greeks decided to lope eating into this mix. But all the more reason to break out the pans and preheat the oven. And as you might have guessed, the recipe is very old and so not gluten free. That won’t stop me from giving thanks!

I crossed my fingers that my gluten free “thanks for helping me find my ring due to my losing things prone” wouldn’t fall short. That blessed dude found something very dear to my heart.

I think I would have made ol’ Fanourios proud and would have loved to share a slice with him. It was a last second cake so easy substitutions were necessary. It kind of had a sponge-like texture if you will. My husband had a slice, I had a slice, and then our new neighbors popped in as a surprise and enjoyed it as well! Get this…they’re Greek too!

Welcome to America Myrsini!

Here is the original recipe that I based mine on. Surely he wouldn’t want me to bake a cake and not eat it right? My fanouropita is below!

Gluten Free Fanouropita (cinnamon, walnut cake)


• 3 ½ cups gluten free flour mix (I used Pamela’s baking mix)
• 1 tbs vanilla
• 1 tbs cinnamon
• 12 tbs orange juice
• ¾ cup vegetable oil
• ½ cup water
• 2 tbs organic sugar
• ½ cup grated lemon peel
• ½ cup chopped walnuts


In a large bowl combine your gluten free flour mix and cinnamon.

In a medium bowl beat oil, sugar, orange juice, lemon peel, and water. Add to the flour mix and beat very well. Fold in your walnuts.

Grease a medium round pan (I used earth balance) and pour in the batter.

Bake at 350 F for 30-40 minutes, or until the top is golden brown or when your toothpick comes out clean when inserted into the middle of the cake.

Remove and let cool for 10-15 minutes. Say an extra little thanks to that wonderful Saint that helped you with your lose things prone.

Plate, slice, and chow! Add a little dusting of confectioner’s sugar on top if you so please. My husband isn’t a huge fan so I omitted.

*It is said the cake tastes best if left for 24 hours, but who on earth can wait THAT long? Hehe

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Kale Coma

Miss me? I am sorry I have been away. Between moving into my new house, getting cooking supplies unpacked, and well, a busted phone which holds the camera I have been relying on, I had a minor hiatus. No worries though because I am back in business and October happens to be my favorite month. Pumpkin shavings will adorn my side porch tomorrow as I chisel my spooky designs for my front porch Halloween décor. Butternut squash will be bursting with bold flavors in my oven. Apples happily sit piled in my fruit bowl and all the doors will be open letting the beautiful breeze brush my hair off my face as I feverishly cook for our weekend camping trip.

Back to the present day though. I arrived home today without one clue on what to make. Being that we attended a concert last night something warm and comforting was definitely on the menu. That and I have been in a tizzy to use anything that might expire while we are away. I despise wasting food. Maybe that is the reason I glutinously cleaned my plate today…Sure, I will go with that.

For produce I had to use up a large bushel of kale. My boiling pot is still MIA so brown rice would serve as a nice bed. And comfort? That comes in the form of a gooey, cheesy, sauce. I have made vegan cheese sauces in the past with great success but I really didn’t want to prep too much. With the basic ingredients in mind I threw together the one below and behold, a success was whirred up in my vitamix.

Cheesy Kale & Brown Rice

1 bushel of kale, stems cut off
2 cups brown rice
Cheese sauce (see below)
Vegetable broth
Pepper to taste

Easy Peezy Cheezy Sauce:

  • 2 tablespoons earth balance, melted
  • 2 tablespoons ground pepper
  • 3 tablespoons Dijon mustard
  • ½ cup nutritional yeast
  • ½ cup vegetable broth
  • 1/3 cup cashews, chopped
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt
Prepare brown rice and set aside. I used boil in a bag brown rice because of my time crunch.
Prepare cheese sauce:

Add all ingredients in the vitamins and blend on high until smooth, scraping down the sides as needed. It will be very thick but no worries, it will thin when added to recipe.

In a medium saucepan add about half cup vegetable brown and warm. Add cheese sauce and stir. Keep adding a little vegetable broth until it becomes thinner in consistency. I like a thick creamy sauce so I didn’t add a lot but if you like thinner add more.

Add kale to the pan and coat with the sauce. Saute until tender, about 10 minutes. Add rice and combine. Serve with a dash of ground pepper on top! MMMMMM.

Enjoy!! Confession, I had two helpings. I blame it on my tiny Halloween plate!

Monday, October 10, 2011


Brief post to say that my blog posting will be back to normal now that I have a new phone! My old phone got in a fight with our new kitchen floor and lost. Shattered screen, no more photos...nothing. OUCH! I am back in the game though and my pots and pans are finally stocked. Stay tuned for a recipe soon!

Friday, September 30, 2011


Today I am here to talk about staples (the ones in your pantry not in your office) because you never know when a gluten free gal pal will drop by for an unexpected happy hour, or when that long day of work leads you to a glass of wine or two. I always try and be prepared to entertain last second, so today I share with you a few staples that I keep in my pantry and fridge. You can impress in pressing time with the following:

  Sharp Cheddar
  Marble Jack

Hummus with Raw Veggies
   I like making my own hummus but store bought tastes great too!
  Carrots, celery, or brown rice tortillas to dip
  Pretzels (try Glutino’s)

Chips and Salsa
  Corn chips (read labels!)
  Any brand of salsa or make your own

Fruit (all fruit is GF but these I think look great on a plate for happy hour!)
  Raspberries (place chocolate chips in their center for an elegant and tasty version!)

  Dark chocolate or milk chocolate squares are great!

Gluten Free Crackers
  Marys Gone Crackers
  Nut Thins (I love the hint of sea salt flavor!)

Throw any of these together on a plate and you are good to go!

Some great gluten free brands:

o Udi’s
o Rudi’s
o Glutino
o Marys Gone Crackers
o Nut Thins
o Tinkanyada
o Enjoy Life
o Gluten Free Pantry
o Erewhon

My Current Favorite Gluten Free Beers:

o Redbridge
o Greens
o Bards

Wine is gluten free. Check out these vegan wines:

o Charles Shaw
o Frey Vineyards
o Four Chimneys Organic wines
o Hip Chicks Do Wine
o Mountain Cove
o Orleans Hill Winery
o Red Truck
o Yellowtail

Happy Friday to you readers! Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Warning: Curves Ahead

There is a lot of newness around here. New season, new house, filled with new furniture… I am currently claiming (or trying to convince more so) that my newly sprouted spontaneous curves are the purposed result of adopting fall’s 1940’s look rather than the seven months of binging on lunches and to-go orders. I am sticking to my guns for now.

So, I am in my new place and ready for a newly organized weekly regime. My hour lunch will be blissfully spent at home, prepping dinner and indulging in healthy portioned meals. Nothing wrong with “curves” but curving outward in the belly region is a call to curb my cravings. I digress.

All that fluff (and hopefully a little flub soon) behind, a healthy and delicious recipe for you! I prepared this yesterday morning and let it simmer slowly all day. There is nothing better than coming home to the delicious aroma of roasting vegetables, and a giant hug from your kiddo.

Wild Rice & Vegetable Stew


• 2 cups uncooked wild rice
• 2 cups butternut squash (fresh or frozen), cubed
• 2 cups sliced mushrooms
• 2 cartons vegetable broth (I used Pacific)
• 1 large yellow onion, half mooned
• 3 small carrots, diced
• 3 tbs Italian seasoning
• 3 stalks celery, diced
• 2 tbs earth balance
• 2 tbs extra virgin olive oil
• 1 tbs red pepper flakes
• 2 bay leaves
• 2 garlic cloves minced
• Salt and pepper to taste


Place all dry ingredients ingredients in your crock pot then add your broth. Let simmer on low for 6-8 hours. I started mine in the morning and let it cook all day on low.

When ready to serve, turn off remove lid and let cool for 15 minutes. Remove bay leaves. Add salt and pepper to taste. Mine turned out much more like a stew then soup but it was cooking for a while. It was hearty and delicious!

This made a lot of stew so I am excited for leftovers! It soothed my husband and my tired bones from moving all weekend! This recipe is gluten free and vegan.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Morning Breakfast Memo

As a food blogger who is writing and snapping away photos on a daily basis in hopes to capture the next perfect post, I often forget to share the everyday go-to meals. The quick, unfancy shmancy meals that don’t necessarily photograph beautifully but taste dare I say close to go-to gourmet? Maybe I can toot my own horn a bit when my breakfast takes 5 minutes to prepare the night before and magically materializes into scrumptious homemade bliss during the night. I love getting home from my early work out knowing that I won’t be frantically fumbling through the cabinets to produce a filling meal. (I can be quite ravenous after a good run, you are warned!) I have enough on my plate during the mornings before the kiddo is whisked off to school as it is, so my own hunger pains most often take a back seat. And, let’s be honest, sometimes cereal just ain’t cuttin’ it.

I make overnight oats every week. Well, okay I will admit it, practically everyday. When my mind jumbles into goo after a long day and I forget to make them the night before, I throw it together quickly before I leave for work, let them soak for an hour or two, and enjoy a bowl before nine.

I usually dig in to the oats cold, delectably dipping into their dough-like texture but today it is rainy. And cold. And icky. So I popped them into the ‘wave for a minute and poof! Warm comfort before me. I can tackle the day now.

I buy oats in bulk because I use them for breakfasts, grind them into oat flour, and of course can’t resist making cookies with them! I am the crazy lady with the 3 pound plastic bagged giant in my shopping cart and proud of it! Oh and if you want to know exactly, I buy gluten free old fashioned oats.

Please excuse my to-go bowl and spoon...
As a constant snacker I can vouch that these tykes keep me satisfied until lunch! It is a low calorie breakfast that brags oodles of nutritional value. This staple of mine stabilizes my blood sugar, and gives me a substantial dose of fiber, vitamin B, fiber and protein. Studies report that oats help keep your heart healthy and boost your immune system too!

So let me make your already bopping about to solve world peace and still get out of the house with your thinking cap and knickers on morning easier by making these yummy to your gluten free tummy oats!

Staple Overnight Oats
serves one


• ½ cup gluten free old fashioned oats
• ½ cup almond milk (or milk of choice-I use soy milk too)
• 1 tbs chia seeds
• 1 tbs flax seeds
• 1-2 tbs ground cinnamon ( I love the stuff!)
• 1 tsp vanilla
• 1 tbs agave nectar (or honey if you prefer)


Combine all ingredients in a bowl and place in the refrigerator overnight. If you forget to make them the night before (guilty) you can make them the morning of and let them seat for at least an hour. To enjoy warm, place in the microwave for 1 minute.

I top mine with almond butter usually or whatever fruit is in season.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Lunch in the Gluten Free Cosmos

The gluten free stars have aligned in the Cosmos. Well, they have aligned at Cosmo's…on Brookside! I arrived late as usual fashionably late to meet my girlfriend Abby a couple days ago and was pleasantly surprised to see a gluten free menu waiting for me. Yes, you read that right. Not a gluten option list, or a gluten free teeny tiny section hidden under the scrumptious sounding, flaky breaded, gooey dough dishes, but an entire gluten free menu. Out. Of. This. World.

The only thing difficult about dining here gluten free was deciding what to order! After much deliberation I finally decided on the Vegetarian Sandwich: Avocado, garlic-dill cream cheese, mozzarella, cheddar, alfalfa, tomatoes, cucumbers & honey balsamic dressing piled high on a toasted gluten free bagel. ($9.49) The combination of smooth and crunchy textures burst through the flavors of the fresh cheeses. All sandwiches come with a side and I myself can never refuse chips and salsa if it is offered.

I had to catch myself a few times during my midday feast realizing that I was not contributing much to the conversation. I think I was overwhelmed with joy that I was enjoying a sandwich at lunch without a lot of diatribe allergy hoopla I usually have to go through with my waiter.

The service was fast and friendly, just what I look for in a work lunch. One hour can hardly be truly enjoyed if you are worried that your food may not make to the table with ample time to eat. The atmosphere was bubbly, and boasts artistic and local vibes.
A great meal awaits you anytime at Cosmo, and I think I may have to return for happy hour and see if the its name holds true to that long listed menu of cocktails…Gluten free appetizers anyone?

To view the entire gluten free menu click the link below:
Cosmo Cafe Gluten Free Menu

Cosmo Cafe
3334 South Peoria Avenue
Tulsa, OK 74133-2061
(918) 933-4848

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Comfort through the Yo-yo's

Yo-yoing weather, early morning work-outs, and an upcoming move into our new house has left me with pretty pooped! When I am constantly whiplashed from one thing to the next, I turn to comfort in the kitchen and sink into the calming coma of fresh herbs, rich olive oil, and garlic.

I love coming home from a long day at work and cooking meals with my husband. Even if by cooking I mean sitting with a glass of red wine and a smile while my husband helps by prep. Team work right?

This pasta cozies up to the fresh vegetables perfectly to your tummy on a brisk fall evening. My son had two helpings and was begging for more of the mushrooms. He said they tasted like the “fire place mushrooms” (his favorite hibachi grill restaurant). Food that warms my soul and a child's words that warm my heart.

Perfectly Simple Pasta


• 3 cups Brown Rice Pasta (I used Tinkanyada)
• 2 cups spinach
• 1.5 cups crimini mushrooms
• Extra Virgin Olive Oil
• Vegetable Broth (I used Pacific Low Sodium)
• 1 cup cherry tomatoes
• ¼ cup pasta sauce
• Italian seasoning
• ¼ cup basil leaves
• 1 clove garlic, minced


Prepare your pasta according to the package and set aside. I cooked mine in vegetable broth for extra flavor.

Heat the olive oil in a medium sauce pan and add garlic. When you begin to smell the garlic aroma add your mushrooms and stir to coat. The mushrooms should soften after about 7 minutes. Add a heavy amount of Italian seasoning and stir. Turn your heat down to low and add cherry tomatoes, basil, sauce and spinach. Toss to combine and let warm for a couple minutes.

Remove from the heat and add to your pasta. Toss and Serve!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Leon's on the Restless Ribbon

There are many different kinds of sports bars. Some are constantly crowded within a shoebox of a space, with the regulars slugging dollar drafts at 10:00 in the morning on a Tuesday. Some are large and spread out with so much to explore you cannot focus on the game. And then there are those few that you frequent because they are exactly the medium you want in a sports bar and restaurant. The place where you walk in and get goose bumps from the sounds of football whistles and the savory smells of homemade pizzas and wings. The place where you are likely to run into fellow football worshippers that will join you for a cold, local brew or two. The place that although raves restlessness in it’s name, is comforting and makes you feel as at home as you would be in your living room with friends over …without the clean up.

Leon’s on the Restless Ribbon.

I have been going to Leon’s since they opened their doors and have enjoyed everything from their lunch and dinner to their vast bloody mary bar (game day recovery right?). A first partaker of their pizza, I have since chosen many gluten free options and have determined all to be a great gluten free meal game plans.

 There is a weekend item that I do crave quite often that I feel would be the perfect option to boast about today. Leon’s Egg White Tacos (7.95): two white corn tortillas filled with a fluffy egg whites, peppers and onion scramble, pico de gallo, freshly sliced avocado and a choice of side. I never pass up the breakfast potatoes. Simple, yet bordering on rich, these tacos combine breakfast flavors with Mexican flair. Excuse me while I wipe the drool from my keyboard…

Leons is great for lunch, happy hour on the patio, dinner, or to mosey into on a lazy Sunday for an NFL game.

Not feeling gluten free breakfast food? Check out these other gluten free menu options I have tried in the past:

• Jerry’s Jalapeno’s
• Hummus with Vegetables only on the side
• Field of Dreams Salad
• Mediterranean Salad with no pita
• Build Your Own Omelet (no toast) potatoes on side
• Buffalo Fries with Ranch


3301 S Peoria (Brookside) Tulsa, OK 74105
3301 W Kenosha (Broken Arrow)Tulsa, OK 74012

Mon-Thurs: 11:00am -11:00pm
Fri- Sat: 11:00am – 1:00am
Sun: 11:00am – 11:00pm

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Indie's Insalata

I only got pictures before the dressing and seasoning as I prepped early!
Summer has unofficially ended my dear readers and to be quite honest, I am thrilled! I do love the summer days and nights, lounging by the pool with a margarita in hand but nothing is better in my book than cool breezes, the drifting smells of a chiminea, the constant background noise of football, and a glass of pinot noir on a patio. AH, I feel my skin and bones relaxing from the past three months of scorching heat just writing that.

Labor Day weekend is always jam packed and bursting to the brim with family fun affairs. We fit in as much as possible which usually leaves me pretty run down by the end. Hence the short post and sheer lack of writing creativity in today which I do apologize.

A bit of recap event that I must share because it involved the food highlight of my weekend was Saturday night’s family rendezvous over pizza and football. My alma mater TU played OU and we had my husband’s side of the family over to my in-laws to take in the game. The menu? Pizza, a fare that used to make me faint because I may be limited to my options. But no fear my dear, since Tulsa now has a few pizzerias offering kind pizza to gluten free tummies, I was able to stuff myself not just with new family on-goings but also a delicious homemade Italian style salad and a few slices of pie. Pizza pie that is of course! We ordered out from Hideaway pizza who most recently adopted gluten free pizza options on their menu! I won’t have to shy away from Hideaway anymore! Honestly now, who can resist their enormous choices of toppings and combinations?!

My mother in law asked me to make a salad for the meal and I decided it was only fitting to make it Italian. Pizza…Italian salad…see the dotted line connection….It was scrumptious and received many compliments from the fam! I didn’t mind shoving pizza into my mouth eating an extra piece of pizza since I had my fill of greens on the side.

Alas, my college team didn’t win. However, this salad is most certainly a winner and will be repeated! Add any protein and you could easily make a meal out it. The following recipe was made to satisfy a crowd so it is quite large, but you could always half it if you aren’t entertaining a country like I was on Saturday!

Indie’s Insalata

• 2 heads romaine, cleaned and chopped
• 1 can artichokes, drained and rinsed
• 1 can sliced pepperoncinis, drained and rinsed
• 1 package of fresh cherry tomatoes
• 4 tbs Italian seasoning
• ½ cup sliced black olives (optional)
• Italian dressing, store bought or use the homemade one below!

Toss first 5 ingredients together in a large salad bowl. Add dressing right before serving.

Italian Dressing
adpated slightly from All Recipes

• ¼ cup fresh basil leaves
• 1-1/2 teaspoons garlic salt
• 1-1/2 teaspoons onion powder
• 1-2 tablespoon dried oregano
• 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
• 1 teaspoon dried thyme
• 1teaspoons dried parsley
• 1 tablespoon salt
• 2 cloves fresh garlic

Place all ingredients into a blender, vitamix, or food processor and blend until smooth!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Labor Day Recipes & Giveaway!

As I reminiscence this afternoon about past summers as a kid, I swear I can feel the sticky watermelon juice trickling between my fingers while I waded ankle deep on the steps of my YiaYia’s pool. Oh wait, that is probably because I man-handled a giant slice of it sans napkin at lunch…

Nonetheless, Labor Day is approaching swiftly, signaling the end of another season while the smells of summer are fading with the cooler breezes blowing through in late dewy evenings. Tulsa seems to still be sprouting some scolding temperatures during the day but fall is fighting in and I am egging on his side of the ring. When I hear the first sounds of college football this Saturday all will be right in the world.

That said, I am prepping and preparing for this closing event! Heat or not, I bet you will be firing up your grills with me, and I thought it would be nice to spark some menu ideas for you. If you think I am nice now, just hang on to your knickers because I have a surprise for you! You wouldn’t think that I would let you go into the Labor Day holiday weekend empty handed now did you?

I am giving away two Rudi’s Gluten-Free FREE Loaf Coupons and two Rudi’s sandwich boxes! Two lucky readers will receive one coupon and one sandwich box a piece!

“We know gluten-free school lunches can be a challenge. Our gluten-free breads R loaded with goodness; they R a tasty & easy solution to the lunchtime dilemma. And, unlike many gluten-free breads on the market today, Rudi’s GF breads contain no modified starches or gums, no artificial preservatives, and no artificial chemicals. Send your kids off to school and feel GOOD about what they R eating.” Maggie Garner from Rudi’s Bakery

Are you as excited as I am? I hope so! All you have to do is go onto my blog’s FB and “like” it and you will be considered for the contest. GF Indie ON FB Link Already a GF Indie facebook page follower? Leave a comment about your favorite Labor Day Weekend Tradition on the page and you will be in the running to win!

Below are some recipes from my blog that would be perfect to cook up for guests this weekend:

Lentil Walnut Burgers
Pepita Veggie Burger

Turkey Basil Burgers

Grilled Corn with Basil Butter

Baked Gluten Free Onion Rings

Cherry Lentil Salad

Monday, August 22, 2011

Gluten Free Brunch, It’s a Big Dilly at Dilly Deli

I adore going to brunch on the weekend. There is something so perfect about the mid morning time, the diverse menu options, and the boisterous banter from the locals all speaking of all the exciting plans or events they look forward to. It’s a “happy meal” without the drive thru.
Dilly Deli has a great breakfast/brunch menu, with options that are kind to the waistline (if you so choose) and kind to gluten free tummies. They have always been very careful and complimentary to my special orders. I usually try to find items which are naturally gluten free, and was delighted to see some specials last Saturday.

After a long and early morning of activity, we eased our way into Dilly Deli, all ready to fuel up for the day. Our table scooted up to one of the large windows overlooking downtown. Natural light poured in as we shimmied our way into the eclectic seating. Menus were passed, and a small sheet of the daily specials was laid upon the blue and white checkered table cloth. Immediately my eyes were drawn to the Stuffed Portobello Mushroom- A very plump Portobello topped with aged white cheddar, 2 sunny side up eggs, and a heaping side of hash browns (7.95). Personally, I am a savory “bruncher” although at Dilly Deli it is hard for me to resist their steel cut oatmeal, also known as the Sophie (3.95). I am happy I ventured out with this order though, as I was very pleased with the robust texture of the mushroom coupled with the fresh run of egg yolk. The shredded hash browns were warm and crisp on the top, and I gleefully dipped them in Tabasco and ketchup. Savory and Spice gets my Saturdays rolling! My husband ordered the Breakfast Sammy, a freshly made biscuit piled high with egg and sausage, and my son had his usually order of waffles and eggs over easy.

The perfect brunch ceremony closed with a couple rounds of bocce ball. My satisfied stomach could now stomach the rest of Saturday’s rush.

Other gluten free breakfast/brunch/lunch items I have tried:

Green Eggs & Ham……$7.50 (not just a favorite childhood read!)

The Heidi Omelet……$7.50 (ask to leave out side of bread)

The Leroy Salad……$9.95 (no croutons)

Vegetable Pesto Soup……$3.95 for bowl (ask to leave out side of bread)

I have also asked for many of their sandwiches served without the bread on greens! There are other gluten free options but these are the ones that I have tried. If you enjoy something else gluten free on their menu, please share!

Dilly Deli
402 East 2nd Street
Tulsa, OK 74120
(918) 938-6382

Monday, August 15, 2011

Meredith's Monster Cookies

Last Friday night brought a dinner party with close friends, pleasant patio weather, and delectable dishes. We enjoyed an easy menu of Greek salad, pizza, wine, and my contribution, dessert! I have been dying to try a cookie recipe that my cousin Meredith sent to me last week, and this was the perfect chance to whip up a batch. They sounded so naturally scrumptious, and I wouldn’t have to tweak the recipe to make it gluten free. Less work, more flavor? I am there!

The only thing I needed to change was the enormity of a recipe name: Sugar-Free, Egg-Free Peanut Butter & Banana Chocolate Chunk Cookies. That simply wouldn’t do. I think this dessert deserves a decent name, one that gives credit where credit is due too. Meredith’s Monster Cookies is a bit sweeter, and you won’t go blue in the face trying to say it with one breath!

I made mine with vegan semi-sweet chocolate that I had on hand but you can use whatever your little chocoholic heart desires. The result? They turned out to have the perfect cookie texture, a crunchy outer shell and a burst of gooey smoothness in the center. I attribute it to the banana that I pureed instead of mashing. I didn’t want chunks of banana, but rather a banana flavor. I was tempted to throw a flax egg in the mix because the dough was pretty soft but they held together nicely. Loads of lip smacking goodness is packed into tasty treats!

Thanks Meredith for sharing this recipe with me. It will definitely be on my cookie recipe hotlist!

Meredith’s MONSTER Cookies

· 3 large, ripe bananas
· 1/2 cup peanut butter, preferably all-natural
· 1/3 cup canola oil
· 1 tsp vanilla extract
· 2 cups old-fashioned oats
· 1 tsp baking powder
· 1/4 tsp cinnamon
· 1/4 tsp salt
· 1/2 – 1 cup semi-sweet vegan chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350˚F.

Puree the bananas and put into a large bowl. Add your peanut butter, oil and vanilla. In another bowl stir together the oats, baking powder, cinnamon and salt. Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients along with the chocolate and stir until combined.

Drop spoonfuls of dough onto a baking sheet lined with parchment or coated with nonstick spray. I made the first batch a little bigger so I baked for almost 20 minutes. The second batch baked for about 16 minutes.You are looking for a rich golden brown color on the outside.

Remove and let cool. Sneak one or two to taste test…then serve!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Busch League

My father is from Chicago so naturally I have been a Cubs fan since the day I was born. My pops and I would sit around on Saturdays, taking in the heat from the afternoon sun that peaked through the blinds and cast a glare on the TV, and yell at the screen together. Very bonding. I would listen to him intensely, emulating baseball banter whenever I could. Hey Pops, “The ducks are on the pond!” right?

Last Saturday I had the opportunity to take our son to his very first Cubs game. Not at Wrigley unfortunately, that will come soon, but at Busch Stadium. Oh yes, we were playing the Cardinals. I do not write those words out of trepidation of the match up mind you (did you watch the last game of the series?) but rather what my son would think of his first Cubbies experience. Yes, he has seen our local minor league team play a million and one times and we have taken him down to Dallas to see the Rangers but this was a whole new ballgame. For me, and for Mitch.

A gluten free gal such as myself doesn’t get to enjoy a cold brew during a baseball game much anymore unless at home. BUT, last Saturday I could! The marvelous miracle about Busch stadium is that they serve gluten free beer! RedBridge, my personal favorite domestic beer right now, is made by Anheuser-Busch. Ah gluten free beer that was free flowing and fresh from the brewery in town. I can’t think of a better way to beat the humidity! We guzzled our beers and stood proud in our Cubbie blue amongst the broken bits of peanut shells littering the ground.

Busch Stadium also has a variety of gluten free food options as well as vegetarian. My husband, the dear that he is, found a blogger that provided a list of where all the gluten free options were as well as vegetarian. Try the Veggie burger with a splash of the hot sauce they have in the condiment section. WOO!

Here is a list below on where to find everything:

• Beef Brisket (no sauce or bun): section 509
• Bratwurst (no bun)
• Grilled Chicken (no bun): sections 139, 161, 446, 264, 266
• Hamburger/Cheeseburger (no bun)
• Hot Dog, Jumbo Dog (no bun)
• Peanuts
• Polish Sausage (no bun): sections 162, 169, 270, 437
• Popcorn
• Pudding - 4 oz. Vanilla and Chocolate: section 136
• Red Bridge Beer: sections B150, B272.
• Turkey legs: sections 152, 432, 509
• Veggie Burger (No Bun): section 132
• Gluten-Free Ham & Swiss Sandwich: section 136
• Yogurt - 6 oz. Strawberry and Peach: section 136

Oh and in case you were wondering, Mitch LOVED his first Cubs game! I think we may have converted his best friend Ben to the Cubs as well. They jumped around aimlessly in their Cubs hats with not a clue what was going on, but a loyalty for the team. The game was clutched for me at the bottom of 8th when I took Mitch to get more snacks. As we walked back to our seats, the sound of cheering in the background, Mitch grabbed my hand, looked up at me, and said, “Mommy? Let’s sing the song!” We sang “Go, Cubs, Go” swinging along our hands back to our seats. Now that is baseball bonding.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Meet Me In St. Louis

Last weekend, four parents packed two 7 year olds and skedaddled to ol’ St. Louis. Road trips to me usually mean junk food, cramped legs, and a bit of car sickness. I decided that I would do my best to revamp this road trip regime with some preplanning. I stocked the car with homemade vegan goodies, snacks from whole foods, and of course some treats to tame the two trouble makers in the backseat (also known as my son Mitch and his best friend Ben). The menu? Vegan almond chews, roasted chickpeas, WF wild rice sticks, WF low fat cherry granola, Chocolate and peanut butter almonds (husband), and cut fruit. For the kiddos I packed fruit, goldfish, pretzels, and cookies! I needed some bribing materials. The night before we left I made my homemade goodies to gobble as the miles past. One of the other parents is vegan/vegetarian as well so I knew he would appreciate the snacks too!

Six hours later the six of us arrived in St. Louis. A bit delirious and stir crazy we headed off to our daily destinations. Courtney, Ben’s mother, planned our children’s agenda and I planned the restaurants. But I bet you already guessed that I would be designated for that position though right?

Toasted Ravioli (not GF), House Chianti (GF!)
The first night I decided that we had to hit the Italian district aptly named “The Hill”. We couldn’t possibly visit St. Louis and not have our boys try the famous toasted ravioli! I was recommended Rigazzi’s Restaurant from my co-worker Nick, whose father actually lived in the upstairs part of the restaurant before they sold it to two Italian families. I had to find a restaurant that was a) kid friendly, b) casual (all day at city museum would make for a sweaty, and stinky bunch), and c) offered some vegetarian and gluten free options. Rigaizzi’s hit d) all of the above. Oh and their toasted ravioli apparently was pretty addicting as two orders disappeared quickly amoung the motley crew!

As far as gluten free dining is concerned, I would warn you to practice caution as I would any Italian restaurant. I must say they were very accommodating and helpful so I am sure you will have a pleasant and safe experience. If you want specific recommendations you can email me! Their red sauce is amazing and could probably make me eat a flip flop if it was covered in it. My favorite bite there? Ben’s father, Jonathan, ordered the Ziti Pasta Pomodoro and I couldn’t get enough of those garlic coated vegetables! When you head for the hills Hill, head to Rigazzi's!

Rigazzi's Restaurant
4945 Daggett Ave
St. Louis, MO 63110
Fax: 314.772.4902

Saturday morning was my dining jackpot. I wanted to find a local restaurant away from the hustle and bustle of normal tourist foot traffic. My son and I are breakfast monsters, so I had to get this pick right. I dissected all sorts of websites and suggestions and finally stumbled upon Local Harvest Café, a gem in the university district that still has me drooling as I write.

Local Harvest Cafe is a pro-sustainable farming and green restaurant that serves fresh, flavorful, vegan and non-vegan dishes. I knew if their food tasted half as good as it sounded from their online menu we would be in foodie heaven.

About 15 minutes after leaving Union Station hotel where our heads hit the pillow at night, we pulled up to the restaurant. Nestled in a quaint building planked by a sidewalk rooted with age old trees, the café looked peaceful and very inviting. We walked into heavy wafts of sweet maple sugar and baked bread. Ben looked me and said, “this place makes me hungry!”. Music to my ears.

Vegan Chorizo Pot Pie
We sat down at a table with chairs on one side and the other a church-like pew.It almost was hilarious given the glutinous acts we were about to partake in. The waitress brought us coffee with cream (soy milk for Jonathan and I) and we picked up our menus. Of course, I already knew what I would be ordering (you know me with menus). Vegan Chorizo Pot Pie. I couldn’t eat the little pie cup but I could dive into the vegan chorizo and juicy local blackberries and peaches. The chorizo had quite the bite and even made ME sweat a little! It was bursting with complex, layered flavors of spices, meaty textures, onions, and sweet potatoes.

Vegan Stuffed French Toast
Jonathan had another great menu pick with the Vegan Stuffed French Toast, stuffed with vegan cream cheese, local blackberries and peaches…need I elaborate more? They do say a picture says a thousand words and I have many! I’ll say this though, there wasn’t crumb left!

My husband and Ben’s mother Courtney were still stuffed to the brim with Friday’s toasted raviolis so they both ordered parfaits which looked absolutely parfait to me! The boys had huge helpings of eggs, bacon and toast.

The meal was amazing. But what is even more amazing is what they also do for our planet! While they fill our tummies full of wholesome greens, they also have a green mission. How do they make a difference with the food and atmosphere they provide?

They reduce their impact on the environment by:

•Buying locally from small farmers and ranchers and food artisans who practice sustainable farming and production methods. This also reduces the amount of fossil fuels required to bring the food to the table.
•Buying organic ingredients that are free of pesticides and chemicals. They are better for the body and it reduces the amount of chemical run-off into our country's streams and waterways.
•Supporting fair-trade practices and small-scale coffee and tea farmers.
•Using biodegradable plastics and packaging whenever possible. Most of our packaging will completely biodegrade within a few years. Styrofoam and petroleum-based plastics will be around for generations.
•Recycling plastic, aluminum, paper, cardboard, tin, and glass. We reduce our waste by 50% daily through our recycling efforts.
•Installing bamboo flooring, water aerators, efficient HVAC systems, and low-e glass.
•Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling. We preach it, we practice it!

What a wonderful establishment! If I lived in St. Louis I would most definitely be a regular. If you do live in St. Louis, why are you still sitting here reading about this restaurant??

Plug in your GPS and head to:

Local Harvest Cafe & Catering

3137 Morgan Ford Road (Map)
St Louis, MO 63116
fax. 314.480.7119